Dry Creek Beds of Sand Point, The Aleutians, Alaska


Residents of this village on Alaska’s Aleutian Chain are worried about their salmon. My friend Joanna, and her father Joe Sr., are in search of a solution. Crisis breeds creativity and in this crisis I have seen one social media poster discuss literally plucking and moving the salmon in a water filled flatbed. TBD.

Dry river beds mean there is is nowhere for the salmon to run. The salmon run in late summer, upstream, to spawn.

Locals, natives, all in search of a problem they’ve rarely if ever had before.

Drought in Alaska. Climate change near the poles. Living on an island. The troubles of an altered environment land in a place far removed from culpability for a carbon dump in the atmosphere that is twisting weather patterns. The future of this and other seaside villages is uncertain.

Rising tides across the world encroach upon island nations and low-lying land. From Manhattan to Marshall Islands, leaders take notice, meantime people, and a historic way of life, pay the price.