2019 – Expiration of the Federal 30% Tax Credit for Solar Installs

Right now might be the best time to go solar!

Since 2005, the US government has offered a 30% Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for PV installations. This is a credit, versus a deduction, and is set to expire at the end of 2019. Find out ASAP if you and your property qualify for 30% Tax Credit this year.

With 7 years of experience in the WA State marketplace, I can answer questions, supply designs and give relevant feedback. I will be recommending the most trusted installer available. My recommendations put you directly in contact with a local company well suited to your solar electrical ambitions.

Due to the popularity of this expiring 30% incentive, some installers have stockpiled or reserved components. I will be able to facilitate quotes, timelines, and install preferences for you. No better time than the present.

**The Solar ITC is a line item credit on IRS Form 5695. Systems must be placed in service by Dec. 31, 2019. Aim to be on installation calendars soon, ideally before the short and unpredictable December days. Current federal law: If the install is completed after 2019, it will qualify for a 26% ITC in 2020, and finally 22% in 2021.**

Summer Solstice: Go Solar & Support the Fremont Arts Council

Considering Renewable Energy? Go solar in the summertime, and start creating copious solar power. Our state allows you to utilize bill credits, so you can enjoy summer’s bounty all year!

Mid-summer days in Washington are nearly 16 hours! Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. The holiday is celebrated in Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood the weekend of June 22-23, 2019. Catch the infamous Solstice Parade on Saturday, June 22nd at 1pm.

For all solar contracts signed pre-June 22 I will be making a $50 donation to the Fremont Arts Council. They take donations, but also welcome crafty and handy volunteers at the Powerhouse Art Studio – 3940 Fremont Ave. N.

Want to support a good cause? Book your 2019 summertime solar install with me today!

Lighthouse Roasters, Fremont. Rooftop Solar Array

In the Seattle spirit, there are two solar-powered coffeehouses in Fremont now: The Fremont Coffee Company (lower Fremont) on the 400 block of N 36th St., with an install by Artisan Electric. The legendary Lighthouse Roasters (upper Fremont) coffee shop, 400 N 43rd St., went solar with NW Wind & Solar early 2019!

Here are Fremont Solstice Parade marchers and their entry that highlights Solar and Wind energy:

Solstice Parade, Fremont Fair 2017, Seattle